[@Leol] [i]New York magazine stands didn't have windows, and they typically protruded out onto the sidewalk, obscuring any who might be standing in front of it from the windows on the building behind it. That being said, an eye for detail can find a way. A soda cooler at the side of the stand might allow Arais just enough of a look to see that Donny was pulling something, though it'd be lit from within, making it tough to find a reflection. The bullet would thwack into one of the stony chunks in front of Fade's head, probably splitting it apart. The ballistic splinters of rock and dust might get in his eyes. A Casull could, after all, break a bowling ball in two. Immediately after firing Donny dropped the dog and pitched diagonally to his left, into forwards tumble to evade an attack he figured would immediately emerge from the pillar behind him and the pillars on either side, guessing that they might fall on him. That left diagonal movement as his safest option. It had been a predictive dodge, unrelated to the ground spikes, but an effective one nonetheless. You had to keep moving in a fight, that was one of the most basic rules for survival. The spikes sheared through the bottom of Donny's overcoat as he leapt, tearing it off him and causing him to land hard on his left shoulder, skidding on the sidewalk for two feet before he rolled to his feet. Blood ran down his bicep, skin torn from road rash. No time to contemplate near death, he had to act. Coat gone, even a child could see that Donny bristled with weapons. Not Fade though, as Donny fired off another bullet at his opponent's head coming up from the roll to force him to keep a rock in place there, and to create a burst of blinding debris that could mess with Fade's eyes. Donny's left hand flashed out not a split second later, yanking something off his belt with a barely heard clicking noise and pegging it. The object swung through the air as if on an invisible pendulum, actually flying behind Fade's position whilst he was presumably occupied with debris, the item arching around his body. It seemed to be a weight at the end of a nearby invisible wire which would string Fade to his floating rocks, cutting a few millimeters into his skin if it slung around him. Donny half turned to bolt, but his left foot tripped over his right and he fell hard on his left flank, the razor wire not nearly taut enough yet to cause significant damage to Fade. It seemed Donny had let too much reel out.[/i] "Aw #$%&! Stawp! Truce!" [i]Donny dropped his gun to the ground, leaving both hands empty.[/i] "Uncle!"