[quote=@olcharlieboi] [h1][center][b]Zero[/b][/center][/h1] Charles would analyze every bit of his own suit that he could, from the material to the device on it. He would take note from the warning of short bursts causing an auto note pop up to appear for him when he looks at the device. He would look ahead as he heard what the exercise was, as he put his suit back into it's case. He would turn towards Augustus who had spoken aloud, being that kind of person in taking every word literally, he was confused at Augustus simply declaring his team and asking for an opposite team when they was told they would be assigned. He decided to just ignored it and started to look at the others performing simulations in his head on how to interact with the other students, since he was going to need to work in a team with one of them soon. [/quote] Yellow is speech and blue telepathy (he is speak normal)