[b][i][u][color=92278f]`xXxTehPr3ttestFairyof@llxXx~[/color][/u][/i][/b] The Prettiest Fairy of All glided through the jungle. The sun shone down in luminescent pillars, the leaves and foliage making shadow patterns on the thick underbrush. All of the leaves were vibrant greens while the jungle flowers made stunning rainbows of color. It would have been a paradise simply traveling between the mighty jungle trees, were it not for the swarms of insects that plagued the Fairy. [i][color=92278f]I get they were trying to make it all realistic and crud...[/color][/i] she thought to herself. [i][color=92278f]But did they have to put [b]bugs[/b] in it?! I hate bugs!![/color][/i] To make matters worse, the trail of mutilated animal corpses, which were bad enough by themselves, had grown cold. It had been at least ten minutes since she saw the last one, and now she wasn't even sure if she was going the right direction. Frustrated, she had just given up and began looking for somewhere to sit, maybe reflect on whether it was even worth it just to get back at her brother, when she heard a deafening roar from not too far away. She flew towards it at top speed. Personal growth would have to wait, she had a monster to fight and a point to prove! She sped through the jungle, feeling a rush of adrenaline. She was glad she was playing a fairy, able to move around just by thinking about it. She imagined this was what it felt like to ride a motorcycle. The Prettiest Fairy burst through the tree line, and what she saw filled her with excitement. There was a [i]MASSIVE[/i] lion, cat, thing, attacking two other players! One of them was a girl, like her, with an axe and a shield. She couldn't help but give the warrior a slightly judgmental look, the shield reminding her far too much of the kinds of characters her brother would play. The other was a man with a slingshot. Aside from the odd choice of weaponry, he was actually kind of cute. His stubbly face indicated he was a bad boy who didn't care about societal norms, not like the clean shaven pretty boys her brother would play. The Fairy opened her spell book, a red target redicle appearing in her view. Since there were no other enemies in the area, it defaulted to the tiger, puma, thing. She thought of using same kind of long ranged attack, and the book's pages began flipping themselves. When they were done, one of the spells on the page glowed, rainbow characters wafting off the page. She aimed her wand at the jaguar, monster, thing, and read the words off the page, despite not actually knowing what she was saying. [color=92278f]"[i]Projectus Arcanus; Magic Missile!"[/i][/color] An orb of non-descript magic shot out of the end of her wand, traveling through the air in an arc towards it's target. It whistled like a fire work before exploding into rainbow sparkles against the cat thing's back.