Honestly, I'm super burned out. I found out someone I really admired and respected is actually a piece of shit predator, and there was a lot of fall out and drama in the wake of that. People I considered decent ended up rallying around him, and it's really soured me on the community tbh. I've withdrawn a lot from it for my mental health. PAX was amazing tho! I spent the time with my husbandito and my bestie and it was super chill. I got a selfie with Mikey Fuckin Neumann and got to spend Saturday with the Borderfam and it was amazing <3 <3 <3 I had a blast and played loads of great new games. The indie games at PAX fuckin killed it this year!! I've got Geek Girl Con next weekend, and one of my great friendos is coming up from Portland to cosplay Pharah to my Mercy <3 <3 <3 it should be fun!