[@Dealdric][@Xandrya][@BKburke][@Banana][@Azereiah][@Silver Carrot][@Dark Light][@Tickout][@baranica][@Simple Unicycle] Grayson, sitting next to Amy, gave her a little nudge in the side and whispered "Good one" Stryker went around the room and addressed everyone who spoke in order, starting with Lexi. "Whatever that thing is, keep it on a short leash" he began, then quickly added "In fact, if it eats it's prey entirely, don't use it. We need their armor for the next stage of the plan. As for the 'holes in ship' situation, go nuts. The ship needs to completely disappear." Turning to Tibulus, Stryker took a breath and began again "Like Rento said, there won't be any children anywhere near this ship, so that's not a concern Tibulus. There won't be any civilians for that matter either Taleste. That said, and this is for you as well Tobi, there could be anywhere from fifty to a hundred pirates aboard that ship, the attack squad is gonna need all hands on deck. It's just myself and Carver heading to meet the pirate." Carver stepped in to answer Rento's questions. "No special properties on the armor itself, it's just your standard medium-to-heavy-plating. The real prize is the group's insignia. They carve it into the core of the plating itself with a special brand of arc-plasma cutter that's hard to come by. Impossible to properly replicate on the short time frame we have. As for weapons, they could truly be using anything at all." "We've got a plan of attack drawn up, it's pretty simple but all the same Kira'll brief you on the way. She's got command of this mission. If there's no more questions, then let's move out. Dismissed" As the Revenant crew made their way back to their own ship, the Maelstrom crew headed off to get their gear and made their way across the interconnected airlocks to join the others. Stryker, Kira and Carver stood at the threshold between the two ships. "Alright, she's all yours, try and bring it back in one piece ok?" Stryker said as he shook Kira's hand and quickly stepped out of the way, leaving the couple their privacy for a goodbye. "Alright babe, kick the shit out of those pirates. See you soon" Carver said as he embraced his wife. "Not if I see you first" she said before moving in for a kiss. They broke off and went their separate ways. Kira turned on her comms as soon as she entered the ship, even though most of her crew and the Revenant's were still clustered around the crew deck. "Alright, short and sweet folks. Pilots, I'm sending the coordinates up now. When we get close, we'll get a few people to man the guns. Force our way through their airlock, if not we make one of our own by blowing a hole in the side of the thing and moving in for a heavy seal. We'll review battle formations when we're getting close, now let's get to it!" [@Hawlin][@t2wave] Stryker and Carver made their way back to Serros Station and after docking, began to pick their way through the crowds towards the agreed-upon meeting point with Lucas Vanderos, a human who led a fairly respectable group (by pirate standards). In the short discussion teh captains had been able to have, they both agreed that a human would be the most likely candidate to agree to a partnership with the Alliance. In fact, Carver had already reached out in the days prior and secured a tentative agreement. "Here he is" Carver said as he entered the small shack-like structure they were meeting at. "Hello Carver" he struck out a hand "Lucas Vanderos" "Stryker" he replied as he took the handshake "How much do you know" "Oh, pretty much everything. This one filled me in good." "And?" "Oh, I'm fine with all of this. Sol's been asking for it for a long time now, finally gonna get what's coming to him. So you've got yourself a deal... there's one thing though. I want you to take a couple of my people, Kaeci and Harriet. They'll represent my interests, keep me informed on how things are going. I've already called em, should be along shortly." "If it'll get this deal done, I accept" Stryker said.