[hider=Gael] [b]Name:[/b] Prince Gael Vanagloria [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Species:[/b] Demon [b]Age:[/b] At least somewhere in the thousands. The form Gael prefers to take looks to be about nine or ten years old. [b]Room Number:[/b] 341 [b]Rooming With:[/b] Miarika [b]Alignment:[/b] Chaotic Evil [b]Appearance:[/b] [img]https://i.imgur.com/lDd1xEh.png[/img] Gael’s preferred form to take when roaming the world of mortals is that of an unearthly beautiful young boy. His face is sweet and cherubic, framed by soft gold curls, and his eyes are wide and chocolate brown. He’s waifish in build, and rather short for his “age”, with pale skin. His preferred outfit is incredibly childish, only serving to emphasize the innocent appearance he takes on. A large, pastel pink coat, with sleeves that swallow up his hands. Neatly pressed black trousers. And bows. Everywhere, everywhere, large, yellow bows adorn his body. Pinned to the front of his blouse, tied atop his shoes, sewn into his coat. Gael is rarely, if ever, seen without pockets brimming with candy, and the stem of a lollipop poking out the corner of his mouth. There are a few clues that indicate his true nature, however. Like the disturbingly hungry look in his eyes. Or the sharpness of his teeth. [img]http://orig06.deviantart.net/7aad/f/2013/312/3/4/34dde422850bd2985f5296ec75f7bc93-d4vflf.jpg[/img] [b]Personality:[/b] On the surface, Gael seems to be a polite, if not a bit overly formal and stiff, young boy. He expresses a genuine fascination with the mortal realm and its inhabitants, and enjoys playing games and learning. However, given what he really is, Gael’s nature is quite malevolent. He experiences little to no emotions, and, while he possesses an understanding of it, his own grasp of morality is shaky at best. This leads him to be incredibly manipulative and cruel at times, especially when striving towards his ambitions. The almost childlike curiosity and fascination he regards the world with only worsens this. [b]Biography:[/b] Gael. Vanagloria. The Chaotic Prince, and the member of the royal family that prefers to dole out punishment to those whose pride got the better of them. It’s hard to say when, exactly, he came into existence, but his relationships he has with his relatives- ranging from a sort of doting affection, to outright plotting against one another- seem to imply that he’s one of the younger members of the family. The Prince spends most of his time alternating between “visiting” the damned, roaming the surface searching for new contractors, or simply wandering both worlds as he pleases, giving him a reputation in Hell of being a wildcard of sorts. It was during one of his ventures to the mortal realm that Gael first heard of the Academy. Out of a mix of curiosity and boredom, he signed himself up for an application, wondering what a school filled with so many different walks of life could possibly hold. Plus, it might be a good chance to conduct some...business. And business is good. [b]Demonic Abilities:[/b] As a higher-classing demon, Gael holds some of the archetypal powers that one might expect from one of his kind. He can enter Hell and depart as he pleases, is naturally resistant to fire, and, due to his particular lineage, can sense and feed off of the sin of Pride. In addition, one of the most powerful tools in his arsenal is the ability to form contracts. By contracting with Gael, he is able to perform miracles that would have otherwise been impossible to accomplish- at the price of the contractor’s soul, however. [b]Power One:[/b] [i]Ribbon Magics:[/i] Gael has the ability to produce ribbons from his body. While this may sound like an incredibly mundane power, these “ribbons”, while appearing to be made out of some sort of silk or cloth, are incredibly durable. It’s possible for him to use them as shields as a result, weapons, extra limbs, or even as a means of suspending himself from the ceiling if he so desired. [b]Power Two:[/b] [i]Doll Physiology:[/i] Gael is...unnatural, to say the least. He doesn’t bleed when stabbed, doesn’t experience pain, and, if someone were to open his body, they would make a rather disturbing discovery. His “innards” are little more than black ichor, congealing when exposed to air. If left alone, it’s quite feasibly for him to drag himself back together from little more than bits and pieces. [b]Family:[/b] The Royal Family of Hell [b]Friends:[/b] N/A. Gael is eager to make friends. Very eager. [b]Sentimental Attachment:[/b] The people who endear themselves to him. If he takes a liking to someone, Gael will often become eerily possessive over them. [b]Weapon:[/b] Knives, claws, fangs, ribbons. [b]Other:[/b] - Has an incredible sweet tooth. - Holds a fascination with many childish things, including amusement parks, toys, and games. [/hider] Sorry for taking so godawfully long! Class was just incredibly busy, and I only got home a little while ago. I'll be sending in the teacher CS in a later bit once I finish him, if that's fine. Again, I'm really sorry!