Morthos didn't know much about Jax, mostly just her name and that she was a very skilled magic user. Given the pentacle tattoos on her hands and the small demon she kept with her he figured she specialized in demonology. Funny that of all the people he could have run in to it was the girl who knew what's what with demons. "Oh, this?" He gestured at the fire he was making, "this is nothing, you should see me if I'm in a fight. Fire comes very naturally to me, as you may have guessed from the, ah, horns." Morthos coughed feeling slightly awkward, he usually didn't mention anything about his demonic appearance to people. But Jax seemed nice enough, so he didn't mind as much, "and yes, I'm part of SPA. I'm not surprised you haven't seen me around, I make a habit out of keeping a low profile. People aren't usually as, ah, understanding, as you are with the whole..." He moved his hand gesturing up and down his body, "everything." He considered bringing up something else but at that moment Hargul jumped in with a little rant of his own. "No, I'm not your brotherkin. I look like this because a long time ago some people made a deal with some archdemons and now everyone related to them looks like this." Morthos shook his head, why was he even entertaining this demon? "I'm Morthos, and don't worry about it, I've been called a lot worse than 'shit spoon', do you want me to walk you home? I don't mind, and I wouldn't want you getting sick." [@KiraVanhelsing]