Not complete Name: Richard Reden Appearance: He has brown hair, dark blue eyes and an average height Age: 18 Species: Human Gender: Male Occupation: Student Personality: (only what others would notice immediately; I'd recommend filling out the personality test scores below, but you can remove those if you have a suitable description) Openness: -10 to 10 Neuroticism: -10 to 10 Agreeableness: -10 to 10 Extroversion: -10 to 10 Conscientiousness: -10 to 10 Biography: (only what staff would know from their application) Attributes: (Distribute points: 40 for Students, 50 for Professional Mages and/or Staff) Strength: Constitution: Agility (gross motor skills): Dexterity (fine motor skills): Intelligence: Charisma: Aesthetics/Appearance: Magic Type Preference: (either use one of the predefined categories, or describe a custom magic category) Innate Magic Talent: (this is for your character's strongest trick, e.g. pyrokinesis) Interests: Skills: (add a few things your character is good at; you can keep filling it out as the RP goes on)