[@ELGainsborough] I am thankful for the advice. I have noticed the message which indicated that posts could be lost if the site fails to load correctly upon posting. This isn't my first tango with such a quarrelsome menace however. My computer is a replete library of my bibliography. Every post, every character sheet and most other assorted details remain there. It might be a bit of a mess since I had to recover it through the failure of my previous computer but it's more or less intact. For the meanwhile I'll look around, perhaps try and find an open topic where I can meet and converse with these veteran members you've mentioned. I've looked at the package but ultimately it's just the matter that I am new so it is ultimately upon me to observe the customs of this new locale lest I offend or disrupt without meaning to. I again thank you for the help all the same. I do look forward to interacting and working with the many good folk here.