[@Kalleth] Felix felt the strike connect and instantly came to regret it. Punching this guy was like punching the wall with the same results. There was an initial [i]crack[/i] of his nuckles and the sensation of tearing skin as the hand was reeled back with a hiss, the fiery spirited lad winced but refused to do anything but shoot daggers at Manilowe. If looks could kill.. When the horrible pain in his hand calmed down Felix was quick to respond rudely. "I don't need a god damn handout. Not your charity case or your punching bag." All but spitting at the mans feet Felix retreated back into the room, though he did leave the door open so Jorden could let himself in. "Furthermore, you talk like that about her again and I'll make sure you feel the next punch..." not really thinking clearly again it was hard for him to realize the tough old teacher might have been joking or didnt even realize Felix had found someone, but that didn't matter. "I also can't leave. I.. promised to wait for her."