[centre][h2][color=darkgreen]Village chief/Cyrus[/color][/h2][/centre] Cyrus nodded. [color=cyan]"Good, also warning. You might have to speak a little louder when talking to the chief, her hearing isn't what it used to be." [/color] a grumble came from the open door. [color=salmon]"Well it's good enough to hear you, ya cheeky sod!"[/color] said a now grumpy old lady who stood stirring a large pot of soup. She required a stool to be able to reach the required vantage point for optimal stirring. [color=salmon]"So you came to be a hunter to. It might actually be lucky you were a little later than the others."[/color] She pulled a paper with a picture of some raw meat on it and a X8 scribbled on it on it. [color=salmon]"Now off with ya. I'll need that meat quick smart!"[/color] said the chief in a chirpy voice. Before returning to her giant pot of soup. [centre][h2][color=firebrick]Clara Baldwin[/color][/h2][/centre] Clara nodded showing Armend the ones she'd grabbed. [color=00aeef]"Yeah, ones like these."[/color] She then tilted her head as he started laughing. [color=00aeef]"Are you alright?"[/color] She was confused as to why he started laughing, she then stuffed the shrooms back into her pocket and stood up fully. She then produced her map [color=00aeef]"It doesn't matter. Let's get moving, Area three might be where we need to go next."[/color] She held an arm out for Armend then nodded towards a path that was just past the Aptonoth. [centre][h2][color=gray]Environment[/color][/h2][/centre] The large Male Aptonoth landed back onto all fours with a thud then if sniffed a push and started eating, the baby made a sound of surprise when Armend started laughing which in turn spooked its parents. Then those parents convinced the rest of the heard to start leaving this noisy area. They walked off towards area two.