[center][h3]Yumeko and Kameo[/h3][/center] Yumeko, Kameo, Tinkermon and Swimmon made their ways to the beach house. Yumeko was, well, not especially surprised Rachel left on her own towards the beach. She liked to be a lone-wolf it seemed. Still, the beach house seemed like a good thing to start out with. Inside... There were a lot of turtle things. [color=tan]"Kamemon, a rookie level. Water-living Digimon, not too surprised they live here. Heyo! Buckos!"[/color] Tinkermon said before floating over to one of the Kamemon standing behind a counter and asking, [color=tan]"So, like, what's this I hear about Gomamon and Gabumon fighting?"[/color] [hider=Kamemon][img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/digimon/images/4/4b/Kamemon_b.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20090130133209[/img][/hider] [b]"Gomamon and Gabumon?"[/b] The Kamemon asked. [b]"I dunno about that. Try to keep my nose out of their business."[/b] But he reached behind the counter and pulled up a glass with some liquid. [b]"But, I might know something if you have the BITs."[/b] Tinkermon made a scrunched up face and went back to Yumeko. [color=yellow]"BITs?"[/color] The Japanese girl asked the fairy, confused. [color=tan]"BITs are a form of currency."[/color] [color=yellow]"Like Yen?"[/color] [color=tan]"Yea, something like that. We don't get any of that."[/color] Tinkermon complained. Yea, they didn't. The Bureau didn't seem to give them any. [color=tan]"We might as well head to the Gomamon or Gabumon tribe if we can't convince anyone else in here."[/color] There was a couple of others here. A Gatomon, Falcomon, and a small group of Gatsumon. [h3][center]Rachel[/center][/h3] As Rachel made her her way to the lake with Impmon, they would notice something. A cute little water spirit looking thing. It was crying and ran up to the two, pulling on Rachel's clothes. [b]"H-help me....."[/b] There was nothing noticeably dangerous around either, so.... Maybe she should see what was wrong. [hider=Ranamon][img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/digimon/images/6/6b/Ranamon_b.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20130412034241[/img][/hider]