Ahnasha rubbed her hand over her bandages for a moment. "It's a bit sore, but yeah, I'll live. I can come with you. I wouldn't want Rhazii getting in too much over his head, at least not without us around." She said as she slowly pulled herself up to her feet. As they started out the door, she put her arm around Fendros at his waist and leaned up against him. She was having no trouble standing, but the experience had, of course, put many "what-if" scenarios through her mind, particularly with how badly Kaleeth had been hurt. With that in mind, she certainly was not going to object to spending more time with her family. Now that she had calmed, Kaleeth laid herself back down on her side, but kept one hand on Julan's. He still looked frightened, but the tears were at least gone from his eyes. Kaleeth laid her head back on her pillow and looked up at the ceiling for a few moments before drifting her eyes back over to Janius and Julan. "I think I need to rest for a while; I'm very tired. Are you two going to be okay?" Meesei raised up a hand and shook her head gently. "Thank you, but I believe I will be okay. I am recovering, I just need some more time. I have dulled my pain for now, and it should subside by the time I go to sleep. Fortunately, no silver touched me today. You can feel free to do as you..." Meesei began, but halted herself as a thought came through her mind. "...actually, after I speak to Saras, would you like to join me? Just talk for a while, spend some time together? It has been a while."