[hider=So Fresh][center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjQwLmViMGYwZi5VMjl0Wlc5dVpTQm9ZWE1nZEc4Z2JXRnBiblJoYVc0Z2RHaGxJR0poYkdGdVkyVWdZVzVrSUdKbElIUm9aU0J2Ym1WeklHbHVJSFJvWlNCbGJtUSwuMQA,/bilbo.regular.png[/img][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjQwLmViMGYwZi5kRzhnWkc4Z2RHaGxJSEpwWjJoMElIUm9hVzVuTGlCVWFHRjBJR2x6SUhkb1lYUWdkMlVnWkc4dUlGZGxJRmRoZEdOb0xnLCwuMQAAAA,,/bilbo.regular.png[/img][/center] [color=9e0b0f][h3]Name[/h3][/color] [indent]Copper of Autumnbrook; Pup[/indent] [color=9e0b0f][h3]Rank[/h3][/color] [indent]Greenband[/indent] [color=9e0b0f][h3]Appearance[/h3][/color] [indent]Copper was named after his reddish-orange fur. His fur color would be considered fancy for not many mice have such an attractive luxury. His fur has a gentle shimmer that appears whenever he moves, giving him a copper-penny appeal. His eyes are maroon, whiskers white and short, and ears large and cupped. Copper has no scars or any deformities, a clear sign that he is fresh to the force. The mouse is slender and young in vigor and appearance. When the mouse isn't serving his duties in the kitchen, the mouse carries a brown sack for holding pots and other kitchenware as well as an extra sack for collecting food and ingredients.[/indent] [color=9e0b0f][h3]Personality[/h3][/color] [indent]Copper is naïve and boyish in nature. He is very optimistic and likes to believe that there is good in every mouse. He hails from Autumnbrook in the Kingdom of Redfield, so it is apparent that his life has been rather good if not spoiled. Copper, seeking a life of adventure, joined the Redwatch simply because he believed the Watch was good. His imagination led him to believe that he would be a great watchmouse one day, bathing in glory, hero of many battles…until he wound up working in the kitchen. Copper is not entirely disappointed that he wound up as a Greenband rather than an outright Watcher. He learned how to cook even if he thinks cooking is for does (female mice). He has been able to make many Watchers happy with his cooking, and he has started experimenting with new recipes. As a Greenband mouse, Copper has heard many Watchers whisper behind his back about how he is [i]easy prey[/i]. Many mice find his naïve and innocent nature to be amusing/annoying for they are eager to see it crushed on his first watch. Copper doesn’t let their whispers bother him even if it is true that he has never taken a life before. He is serving a good cause, and if he is assigned to a good mentor, then his mentor will have the best Greenband around (and best cook).[/indent][/hider] [hider=Godric][center][img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjIyLjhlODA4MC5WR2hsSUZkaGRHTm9JRzVsWldSeklIUnZJSGRoZEdOb0lHMXZjbVVnZEdoaGJpQnlZWFJ6TGcsLC4w/handlee.regular.png[/img] [img]http://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjIyLjhlODA4MC5WR2hsY21VZ1lYSmxJSEpoZEhNZ1lXMXZibWNnZFhNZ1pISmxjM05sWkNCaGN5QnRhV05sTGcsLC4w/handlee.regular.png[/img][/center] [color=gray][h3]Name[/h3][/color] [indent]Godric The Raven; The Black; The One-Eyed; The Peg Leg; Wielder of the Flukespear[/indent] [color=gray][h3]Rank[/h3][/color] [indent]Watchguard[/indent] [color=gray][h3]Appearance[/h3][/color] [indent]Godric’s Westercroft blood is obvious from his black, thick and fuzzy fur making him appear round and plump. His appearance is grizzlier than other mice. When he isn’t wearing his black eye-bandage, his right eye is a white blind pearl with a claw scar over it. His left is a black glossy bead. The fur at his chin is white and gray from age. His maw has an overbite, his two milk-white incisors forever visible over his lower jaw. From between his ears down his neck, his mane is cut short but for a track of hair creating a distinct ridge. Without his gear on, his furry body has white old battle scars and his right leg has a mangy patch of missing fur. Godric wears a black cloak and a vest of tanned lizard mail. At his back, he has equipped on a lizard leather strap his double-headed spear called "The Flukespear." The Flukespear is a war trophy he acquired when he defeated the Weasel King, Kharag - the weasel who bit his left leg off. With the Flukespear at his back, the Watchguard is imposing even with his peg leg.[/indent] [color=gray][h3]Personality[/h3][/color] [indent]Godric is quiet for being a Watchguard. His leadership is much different from the other leaders. He doesn’t scream for he feels he doesn’t have to/shouldn't have to. Godric only tells his Watchers once and they get it. At least the ones who have been under his leadership long enough do. Those who don’t learn realize this when the Westercroft mouse is on them beating the obedience into them. While this may seem like bad leadership to those [i]sensitive[/i] types, the Redwatch cannot afford to lose lives over ignorance and incompetence. Therefore, Godric believes his mice to be the most disciplined and focused. His squad tends to mostly be full of dark-colored rodents due to the black mouse stigma making it difficult for them to feel welcomed in most other squads. The black mouse emanates an unfriendly aura. When he is about, his mere presence could quiet a room. It could be because of the numerous rumors that have manifested about him. Once the grapevine has gotten ahold of a story, it is never the same. Because Godric is a mouse of few words, he is a mystery, and this mysterious personality has led to many a young mouse skewing his tales. “He’s a dark one. I heard Watchers beg to be switched from his squad.” “It’s because he’s a black mouse. They’re unlucky.” “Why is he called The Raven? Is it because he’s black?” “No; it’s because he has a pet raven.” “What? I’ve never seen it.” “None of us have but that’s what they say.” “Catshit!” Godric has gotten into the habit of making few friends for over the years he has lost many. The Watch has taken much life and limb out of him. While the mouse is far from exhausted with the Redwatch cause, he has become desensitized. Everything is business. No feelings go with him to battle. He takes the most logical route, and if it requires sacrifice, then so be it. Some mice may not agree with his methods, but they have proven to be effective at times.[/indent][/hider]