The boys stepped into a room that seemed to be made almost completely out of ice. "Is this the place, Blake?" Sky asked, looking around in wonder. "Yeah... it's so strange," the older replied. "How does this mansion even know who we are, and what we are?" Sky made his way past the icy furniture in the living area and turned into the bedroom, where fluffy bed-sheets were arranged on top two single ice bed-frames. The boy immediately jumped into one of them and snuggled in. "This is so exciting," Sky commented. "And it feels comfy." Blake followed close behind, and seeing how his brother seemed to be ready for bed, he went over to properly tuck him in. It had been a rather... interesting, day and Sky needed his rest. "Do you miss home?" Sky then asked as he shut his eyes. "I... try not to think about it. Don't worry, we're safe here," Blake answered, stroking his brother's hair before leaving the room. Again, he did not know how he knew that, but he just did. Regardless, the thought of Azzurra had never left his mind.