[Center][b]Name: [/b][/center] [Center]Lydia Thorn[/center] [Center][b]Appearance:[/b][/center] [Center] [url=https://remingtons.files.wordpress.com/2010/06/lizzy-caplan-as-juliette-flowers-1.jpg]Lydia, 28[/url][/center] [Center][b]Biography: [/b][/center] [Center]Lydia grew up in a small town with a drunk for a father. He would abuse her physically and sexually as a child, and even up into her teenage years. One day, at the age of 16, she had, had enough and used his own rifle to kill him. That was 12 years ago. Lydia had a few close calls where she was almost caught, or killed, resulting in several lovely scars. From town to town she roams, zig zagging her way so as not to leave a straight line trail. Living a hard lonely life, it's been a bit hard for her to trust easy, normally choosing to say as little as possible when around other peoole, unless necessary. If she sees her picture posted up anywhere, she tears it down, hoping To avoid recognition. [/center] [Center][b]Equipment:[/b][/center] [Center]* Her trusted steed, [url=https://dncache-mauganscorp.netdna-ssl.com/thumbseg/1416/1416409-bigthumbnail.jpg]Charlie[/url] * Her dad's [url=https://i.pinimg.com/originals/4e/fc/3b/4efc3bc14606b19048cfa5c63ce5e9fa.jpg]rifle[/url] *Her [url=http://russianrevolvers.com/g_images/CompHartTOZ.jpg]pistols[/url] * Her [url=http://www.wrtcleather.com/1-ckd/1-2010/gunrig-2010-johnsonr-2.jpg]knife[/url][/center] [Center][b]Skills: [/b][/center] [Center]* Despite having the rifle, Lydia is much more of an up close and personal sort of fighter. * She's a woman, and has that special charm that women have to get what they want. * Can ride the hair off of a horse [/center]