[@Lord of Evil] [@Rune_Alchemist] [@Polaris North] [@Shadow Daedalus] [hr] Delilah nodded. "[color=red]I, too, wish to keep these ne'er-do-wells alive. Well alive for us to know who they are and what they were doing in the cafe. After that, well...[/color]" The King sighed and gave her order. "[color=red][u]Suzue[/u], [u]Kael[/u], Asia. You shall ask the priest who he is and other important information. He clearly knew who these... hostiles were. You have my permission to use force should he try to be hostile.[/color]" Delilah continued. "[color=red][u]Sato[/u], [u]Daithi[/u] and [u]James[/u]. You shall be the ones who shall interrogate our captives. Learn who they are by any means necessary. Should they prove unbreakable... I'll leave the next decision to you.[/color]" "[color=red]As for me, our little skirmish had many witnesses of whom I must fix. I expect results when I return. And a clean cafe.[/color]" ------- ~[@Rune_Alchemist], [@Lord of Evil] (KEL)~ Asia placed the unconscious priest on the couch in the employee lounge of the cafe. In a few moments, he stirred with consciousness. You were the first people he saw and he was still quite groggy. "You... you people... are Devils..." He muttered as he raised his torso with his hand on his head. "Hey listen, sorry about your cafe." He started. "I'll uhh, I'll see if I can have the Church pay for any damages that were done. I didn't expect them to panic and do that. That sure escalated things, didn't it? Again, I ask for your forgiveness for the trouble in your cafe." He apologized. "I should also thank you for helping me against them. And... for not killing me." ------- ~[@Polaris North], [@Shadow Daedalus], [@Lord of Evil] (STO)~ The captives were placed in the kitchen, tied to a chair with virtually no hope of escaping. One of them kept quiet while the other wasted no time in spouting drivel. "[color=f26522]Release us, Devils! And perhaps our Lord shall grant you a quick death or perhaps even a life in his paradise. But if you do not, know that our Lord does not like to be trifled with and he shall make your pain legendary! Once he comes, he will come for you first and he shall tear your wretched little Underworld to pieces! And he shall--[/color]" "[color=f26522]Quiet![/color]" The quiet one finally spoke. "[color=f26522]These people shall never see. We've already won. I've seen it with my own eyes.[/color]"