Is it okay if my character has inherited some enchanted flowerpots? My character didn't carve the runes into the pots, instead they were gifted to them when they were very young by a kind wizard who took pity on my character. My character [I] naturally [/I] grows plants in these pots, but they don't know how to use the runes, and don't even know what the runes mean. The plants that grow out of them are magical in nature, but my character has only ever sold them to make a living. The tunes in the pot just work on their own. The kind wizard, the fact they've been surrounded by magic most of their life without understanding it, and other things I'll get into in my CS and IC, inspires my character to travel and ventually seek out "The Dragon" to learn how to use magic. So is this okay with the rule about not using magic? If so, what kind of runes would be used for botanical magic. I'm thinking "Grow" "Ripen" "Beautiful" etc?