Teacher Cs Name: Abaddon Gender: Female Species: Nether Demon Age: Unknown Alignment: Chaotic Good Appearance: [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/originals/2e/84/98/2e8498e95addee969279257546a2ed84.jpg[/img] Demon Form: [img]https://cdnb.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/000/613/257/large/choi-tae-hyun-12.jpg?1428563110[/img] Personality: Abaddon is incredibly old and as such she is also very wise but the way Abaddon acts and the way she speaks is a bit contradictory she speaks like a well mannered respectful woman but acts more sadistic drill sergeant she is though but not fair she will push hard in hopes it will drive them to improve themselves and if she pushes someone to far she just forgets about it and moves on believe if her training was too much for them they didn't belong at the school Bio: Abaddon was one of the first demons created as and is not only the oldest but also one of the most powerful demons around but she's not only powerful but also wise because of this she is one of the highest ranking demons in hell although she doesn't spends much time there anymore because she findsit extremely boring after all the years she's spent there instead she prefers to explore the mortal world on her travels she met arken and found out about his magic school and found the school as well as the other teachers somewhat interesting not to mention the unusual students she eventually decided to take a job teaching at the magic school and she set up a portal to hell in her office this gave her the time to take care of her duties in hell while also allowing her to have some fun in the mortal world No Power Needed (mostly because I can't think of a power she doesn't already have access to except Devine powers and then she would be way to op) Nether Demon: Nether Demons are often both the most powerful and ancient demons beings of pure magic who draw power from Nether a source of magical energy that passes though the realms of life and death and is the source of many magical abilities as such they have access to a great deal of magical energy as well as a wide range of magic spells Likes: Dislikes: Family: Friends: Sentimental Attachment: Weapon: Other: Pet Name: Pet Age: Pet Gender: Pet Species: Pet Appearance: Pet Personality: Pet Power 1: Pet Power 2: