[color=a36209][i][b]Adam 'Trails' Wilford- Lorelei's Porch[/b][/i][/color] Lorelei called back to him in the night, “So… you’re Adam. Right.” Adam tilted his head, rubbing at his beard and feigning a look of worry. "I sure hope so. Otherwise I've spent almost forty-three years getting called by the wrong name." The two had fallen silent for a time as Lorelei quietly looked at her gun before she spoke, “Being a sole homeowner—especially pertaining to a gargantuan piece of real estate like this—it feels…odd. I haven’t lived in a house like this since my childhood. Feels too good to be true. Just like this town.”. Adam nodded slowly, understanding how she felt. Adam gave a short 'hpmph', "You and me both, kid. You and me both. I lived in a small town a few years back with my wife. Before that, I hadn't had a proper home since I was a kid. Even that was one of those small Great Depression homes. Thought about picking a place to shack up, but, eh, all that's not really 'me'. I've spent most of my life as a drifter, anything much more than this cottage is just too decadent for me." He pulled a cigar from his pocket, fidgeting with it as he looked out on the street and leaning over the porch. "Nah. My shack on the beach is more than enough home for me so long as I'm on my own." Adam put it back, deciding not to fall back into old habits. After a while, Lorelei gazed out at the moonlit structures of Salem. She took a deep breath and leaned to her right, pressing her torso against the tall wooden support beam of the porch steps. Adam figured she might be getting tired so he took that as his cue to mosey on home too. As he got ready to step off the porch, he turned back. "Hey. I uh...I'm getting a little stiff sitting around town like this. Heard from a buddy of mine that came through earlier that there's someplace called 'Lexington' nearby that might have some good stuff to pick through. You seem like an action kinda girl and I could use a second with me. I know that might sound a little much to ask, but if you're interested, I'll be heading out tomorrow morning with Bessie. Sleep on it, you feel like partnering up, I live down on the waterfront. It's that Pre-War shed thing with the huge fishing boat out on the water and the brahmin, Bessie, out front. Ain't hard to miss." Adam slowly stepped down to the street, waving a hand over his head in silent farewell to catch some much needed sleep.