[@Metamore] Well that's the thing all runes require magic to work, even if the magic circles on the pots drew magic from it's surroundings they would still need some magic from him to keep them stable and working right. Basically they need an on and off switch or something like a pot would eventually just explode within a day at most from constantly drawing in magic power and storing it. Don't think someone has enough luck to just so happen plant stuff in it and sell the plants in quick enough time frames to stop it from happening. While they are on they would be constantly glowing, and when deactivated they would just be a carving in a surface. Each material has a limit to how much magic it can hold, was going to go indepth in roleplay, but not all materials can store alot of magic into them, only the very rarest of materials would and unless the wizard was a master, which they would probably be very self centered at that point, just giving away such materials would give someone a heart attack thats how expensive and rare they are lol.