[hr][hr][center][h1][color=00ccff]Cecily Ashworth[/color][/h1][img]http://68.media.tumblr.com/7900c075a8213d3c9b609d28ce5af1af/tumblr_oecucj7HCs1up42jgo4_540.gif[/img][hr][b][color=00ccff]Location[/color][/b]: Private Hangar in Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico[/center][hr][hr] Cecily was beginning to regret that she hadn't learned to speak Spanish. It would've been incredibly useful at the moment, as well as with life in California. But her grandmother had practically insisted that both Cecily and her brother learn a little bit of French--just in order to be able to communicate with the extended family. Her grandmother was definitely a family woman, despite her own background that stunned Cecily whenever she learned a little more of it. She still spoke about her aunts and uncles, as well as her favorite aunt, Nora. Cecily just remembered an impression that Nora was the ugly duckling of her grandmother's aunts and uncles. Cecily raised an eyebrow and looked over at Natasha. Despite Benicio and Caesar attempting to explain things, Cecily wasn't sure who or what Nuestra Dama de la Muerte was. The mentioning of rites brought to mind a storyline in the X-Men comics, where Gambit had to go back to Louisiana and pay tribute to some deity with his former gang. But that was just a story--magic and everything wasn't real. And from the way Benicio and Caesar spoke about Nuestra Dama de la Muerte, it sounded like it was a real person. It worried her slightly that they weren't going to a secure facility. Everything that had happened so far gave Cecily an urge to go and hide in a bunker, catching up on iZombie episodes. Maybe she could even rewatch Twin Peaks and look for plot holes. The stern hazel eyes visible in the rearview mirror didn't help to settle her nerves. Biting her lip nervously, Cecily really wondered if she should've gone to graduate school instead of taking that job in Justice. What the hell was her life anymore?[hr][hr][center][h1][color=99ccff]Iris Kingston[/color][/h1][img]https://68.media.tumblr.com/5d4a4335c1a91df84ca7ca36a83d611a/tumblr_inline_nv42wt2JDv1qki4lu_500.gif[/img][hr][color=99ccff][b]Location[/b][/color]: Justice Asylum[/center][hr][hr] Iris' eyes widened, unsure of how to respond to Nurse Cratty. It was always a possibility that a patient would go berserk--yesterday had been a prime example--but it was still shocking to hear about it. Jaina hadn't even made it out the door, but this patient had escaped as well as murdered three people? Most people would've never come back to this place, Iris imagined. Nurse Cratty likely would've known those who died...and yet, she kept coming back. That was courageous. [color=99ccff]"Quel dommage..."[/color] Iris whispered, taking in the bloody mess. She knew she was supposed to see a monster, but instead, she saw a broken shell of a person. She wasn't familiar with Jaina's psychiatric history, something that she'd definitely need to read up on. Had she been given any proper medication, if she was this far gone? [color=#ff99ff]"Dobro pozhalovat', damy i gospoda, v Tsirk pravosudiya! V etom uglu u nas yest' medsestra Cratty! Kak vy dumayete, rebyata? Dolzhny li my videt', znayet li ona kakiye-nibud' tryuki?"[/color] Jaina announced, suddenly jerking to her feet as she gestured towards Cratty. It was a bit of an awkward movement due to the restraints, but considerably more graceful than the average person could've done. Jaina had been an acrobat, after all. [color=ff99ff]"Shhhh! The studio audience is talking!"[/color] Jaina chastised, shaking her finger at Iris, who was trying to comprehend what she was seeing. [color=ff99ff]"You can turn on the subtitles if you wanna watch~!"[/color] Jaina then paused, as if someone was whispering in her ear. [color=ff99ff]"Akh, golosa v! Eto mamushka dlya medsestry Cratty!"[/color] [color=99ccff]"...Do you speak Russian, by any chance?"[/color] Iris asked, looking towards Nurse Cratty.