[centre][h2][color=firebrick] Clara Baldwin [/color][/h2][/centre] [color=00aeef]"Well I have 3 and you have two. So we're halfway there."[/color] She led the way along the path to area 3 and pulled out a cool drink and downed the whole thing, this made her feel very comfortable even in the intense heat. She pulled out the quest paper and held it out for Armend. [color=00aeef]"Remember, like the ones in the picture."[/color] She said with a slightly patronising tone and a cheeky smirk. She kinda enjoyed being in charge, well at least she felt like she was in charge. [centre][h2][color=gray]Environment[/color][/h2][/centre] Clara and Armend would travel along a steep rocky path to get to area 3 which would be intensely hot. There were even exposed patches of lava that could be seen flowing underneath the very ground they walked on. Lucky for them there was a massive clump of Nitroshrooms clearly viable close to the end of their path that led to area 3. Around the centre of the craggy plain ahead of the there were two Ioprey. The red raptors hadn't noticed the pair and continued wandering around the centre or the area.