I am very close to finishing my post, so I might as well come out and tell everyone where they will be starting and who is relatively close to them at the very start of the RP (At least from the point they choose to start at. If you choose to write an extract about the disaster happening, then flashing forward to the present moment, then go ahead). Nearby to Lucas' crashed drop-pod, we have [@OrizaSaucer] and [@Delta44]. You can decide if you wish to be united together already. [@Starlance] and [@HumanMusic] may be relatively close to one another, if not already met up. And [@Amaranth] and [@Joker892] are likely going to be together already. All of the groups may be within the same area of operations, but not close enough to immediately find another group straight away. Just an update so you know where to start and who to discuss your opening post with! Time to finish my post. Sorry if it feels rushed, this is a late post for me.