Alphonse cracked his neck from one side to the other as he climbed up out of the rowing boat and onto a sandy beach outside Ravenne, he grabbed his bag and his ever trusty axe from inside the boat then peered up at the morning sun before looking over and across at the village a couple of miles further down the coast. "Well, guess this is it. Can't be riskin' getting too close to the village, y'know." Murmured Peter, the gruff and weathered crew member that had so kindly rowed Al to the shore. "I 'aint gonna' say I'll miss ya' or nuffin' but er...Hope you don't die, alright?" "Ah, Pate" Al began, speaking softly. "Pete." He was abruptly corrected before continuing. "Ah, Pete. Think we both know I don't belong that ship, your kind words are appreciated though, maybe when I've got a ship of my own you can come join me." "Yeah, right, sure." Pete just rolled his eyes. "Give us a shove off." With a grunt, the Gull dropped his things on the sand and pushed against the boat to send it back into the sea where the sailor inside it offered a parting two fingered salute and began rowing back out towards the ship he had come from. Al's attention went back towards the town as he picked up his bag and slung it over his back then tucked his hand axe into his belt. It was not the young man's first time leaving a crew, it was however the first time he had left of his own accord with the good fortune to make it away with not only a rowing boat but also a hefty pouch of gold snagged right out of the ship's hold, granted the crew might not have been so willing to part on good terms if they were aware of that part. Scrambling up the hill beside the beach that he had landed on, Al hacked his way through a patch of dense bushes before stumbling out onto what appeared to be a well used road, his suspicions of it's use were confirmed when he spied a cart rounding the corner being pulled by a pair of horses. He waved to the driver who halted, looked to be older man, the farming type, though his grey beard rivalled that of any pirate. "You on your way to Ravenne?" He queried in a thick rural accent. "Sure am." Nodded Al. "Don't suppose I could catch a ride?" The farmer seemed sceptical but shrugged his shoulders and gestured to the back of the cart. "Climb in back n' we'll be off." Clasping his hands together in a display of thanks, the seafarer made his way around to the back and hopped up. The Gull's greedy eyes scanned over the haul of fresh fruit that was stacked in boxes and wooden bowls as he sat down and the cart set off with a jolt, he called out to the farmer as they rode along. "Hey, can I have some of this? Haven't had fruit in ages." The driver looked over his shoulder and simply stared before looking ahead again. "Fine, but just one orange, don't want you dying of scurvy, damned pirates." This caused Al to smirk. "What gave it away? The hat? The axe?" "The salt in your hair, on your face, and the damn smell too. You'd think being surrounded by water would make it easier to bathe once in a while." The pirate just chuckled as he pulled an orange from one of the boxes and peeled off the skin. "Cheers, and you try staying clean when you've got to sleep and work surrounded by sailors." With a huff, the farmer seemed to retire from the conversation and the rest of the journey passed in a comfortable quiet as the young man enjoyed the sights of greenery giving way to the buildings and small merchant square in the village. Once the ride was over, the pair parted ways, after Al helped unload some of the fruits of course and was tossed an apple for his help. He stretched and looked over the market, wondering what he should go shopping for first...