[hider=Johnny Blackburn] Name: Johnny Blackburn Appearance/age: Shoulder length long dark brown hair. Long sideburns with a handsome clean shaven face. Brown eyes with an athletic build. 32. [img] https://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/xmenmovies/images/3/3d/X-Men-Origins-Wolverine-Gambit.jpg/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/322?cb\x3d20140609225450 [/img] Bio: Johnny never knew his parents, being an orphan living in slums and pits. He was raised by thieves, all of which have since passed or moved on. He survived the West in his youth through trial and error, with a touch of luck. He's been in a few gangs here or there, but always manages to stay moving. Through his days he has learned to hunt skillfully, steal professionally, and his skills in magic are unmatched. (The card trick kinda magic). His main trade nowadays is through gambling. If he can't win on his own, he cheats. Equipment: Two revolvers (scholfields) at his hips. Deck of playing cards. Hunter's knife, and throwing knives. He randomly steals horses. Skills: Stealth, prefers the quiet approach, though is also a skilled gunslinger. Thievery and pirating are common tasks on his journey. A talented hunter, uses traps and snares...or if all else fails, his guns. Magician, has a slight of hand that is faster than a blink of the eye, and his draw is just as fast. He uses his illusions to steal things or to pick up women. [/hider]