[hr][hr][center][h1][color=#00ccff]Nora Kingston[/color][/h1][img]https://68.media.tumblr.com/28577c336232aad3fb697adc8afb5c1a/tumblr_inline_miycemBe1B1qz4rgp.gif[/img][hr][color=00ccff][b]Location[/b][/color]: the Museum [/center][hr][hr] Vera's flustered nature seemed to not have vanished from the previous night. Even now, Lady Munn appeared to be tripping over her own feet, with Neema's quick reflexes allowing the tray to be saved and steadied before the luncheon went to waste. Nora found it a bit curious that Vera was always this clumsy. Surely, she would've improved by now, especially with the precious artifacts she worked with? Of course, Nora gave no facial or social cues that would suggest she found it odd. Neema fell into the grandmotherly role as per usual, something that Nora had become accustomed to as of late. Neema took a more genuine interest in Nora than the rest of her family did. Her father and mother would have wanted nothing more than to marry Nora off to some respectable gentleman, but she was damaged goods, so to speak. She was the family disappointment. In darker moments, Nora sometimes wondered if her father would've preferred that the disease had claimed her life as a child. The flowers delivered for Lady Munn were clearly not from Mr. Drake. There was no manner in which they could have arrived on such short notice. However, Nora did not wish to be presumptuous--flowers were such a bold gesture, but she imagined that the Lord Captain, the famous mathematician, perhaps could have been the sender. She saw no reason as to question Vera, though, and was content to sit in relative silence.