My form: Name: Reginald "Ren" Gabbler Personality: Ren is a little short fused, but he is very crafty and cunning, he doesn't always rely on people (especially ones taller than him) but can really depend on them when he is out of luck or desperate. Believes in mythos and witchery, which makes him a undeniably good Brewmaster. Humorous, but can get emotional at some times. Class: Medic, Scout and Brewmaster Race: Dwarf Equipment: His trusty multitool, which can only switch from axe to hammer. 3 rolls of bandages, Splints, 10 meters of Rope, Bottles, 15 Apples and a dart shooter. Skill: Brewing, Building, Navigation and Craftsmanship Looks:[img][/img] Ill be waiting for you!