[b]Gilliam[/b] Gilliam was glad to hear the headmaster was happy with his action to try and stop the fight. It was successful and he felt proud of himself. The moment he dispelled his summoning and illusions, Gill felt a great amount of fatigue wash over him as the use of performing that many summons in quick succession had taken up quite a bit of power. When the headmaster teleported them to the school Gill had to drop to one knee and catch his breath. He needed to rest somewhere and then he heard a loud voice call for him to meet his room mate in his room. After a couple of minutes he entered the room and saw the woman named Red in there already. He tiredly waved at her. "Hello, you can call me Gill instead of Gillian if that is easier to remember" he said to her as he set his things down and laid on a bed. [b]Finn[/b] Finn was late and missed almost all of the action that went down at the meeting place, but he did watch the headmaster make them appear suddenly in the academy. It was an impressive feat and Finn wondered if he will someday have as much power as him. Once inside the academy many of the students were looking for their room mates and he guessed that he should too. It didn't take long to find his roommate since the satyr had found him first. He introduced himself and Finn was glad he wasn't one of the angsty or angry students. He shook his roommates politely and introduced himself as well. "I am Finn so I guess that makes us room mates" Finn said as he was chewing on a piece of bubblegum.