[@Pumpkinbot][@AllHollowsEve] "I mean, doctors do the same thing. Its...a sort of art, if you will. A barbaric art of precision..." He chuckles. His line of work could be categorized as a barbaric art hinged completely on precision as well. Does that make him a doctor by his own logic then? [i]Absolutely not...[/i] "Healing through magic... That, we call a miracle. Something that is make-belief, if you will. Not that I'm doubting what you can do, priestess." She placed her hand on his. "Well, I mean, yes and no. Its a sort of hallucination. Hallucinations to me are imagined things. However, none of this is imagined. They were purposely put where they are..." The question of how she got to where they are did not even pass his mind. He has seen too much to care about something so trivial. Perhaps it can make for a fun conversation later on down the road. Just as he was about to speak again, a robot approached them and cracked a rather crude joke. Sure, the logic is sound, but does jokes require logic..? Instead, he just chuckled. "I mean, the bartender is usually quite attentive, " He said to the robot. "He is on his way back with our drinks. You're welcome to have a seat and order yours while he is here..."