So I sort of had an idea for a hero and villain. The hero would be a sort of Etrigan equivalent, a demon who screwed up somewhere along the chain of bureaucracy in hell and now has to hunt vengeful souls that have escaped. He last saw Earth circa 1840, where he was dubbed "Spring-Heeled Jack" as he hunted damned souls (as well as vampires and a certain serial killer) through the fog-shrouded streets of London. The second is playing off Lord Death Man's old story of being a Yogi who learned to fake his death and the extrapolation of that to the point of immortality- this version would be someone who tried to steal the secrets of Buddhist enlightenment to help become the ultimate criminal, but due to his worldly attachments and generally evil ambitions, has instead been subjected to the tortures of the narakas- the Buddhist Hells. Having adapted to the eternal torment, however, he's able to control the hellish energies flowing through him, having become immortal and able to call upon the tortures to emulate various superpowers.