[h3] [color=yellow] Concord [/color] [/h3] Everyone is busy because of the holiday, flags rose and streamers were set everyone was dancing. The dinner was filled with new year themed food. The community watch was setting up some fireworks.But if you have a Level 3 Keycard things are not peaceful [hr] [color=red] TOP SECRET MILITARY BASE [/color] [hr] [color=gold] "We got strange readings here very unusual..." [/color] A man with a 2 star hat said while monitoring the computer [color=yellow] "These are universal that out sensors cannot pick up a notable source it is spreading all over the globe."[/color] Another man said as he types stuff. [color=green] "The signal disappeared?" [/color] Another man said. The signals was mistaken to be some sort of a miscalculation from the broadcast towers which was presumed to be glitched and caused a strong bond to all frequency which allowed it to spread all over the globe.But this was not true. Because the signal did not disappear it went out of range it was 'Interdimensional' and the military were not capable of reading signals in that 'class'