[quote=@POOHEAD189] http://www.providr.com/teens-killed-robbing-house/?utm_source=Awwww&utm_medium=facebook&utm_campaign=providr Three teenagers, ages 18, 17, and 16 respectively broke into someone's home to rob them. After discovering them in the act and 'exchanging words,' the home-owner gunned all three boys down. Thoughts? [/quote] Age is not a significant enough factor in home intrusion scenarios; any of those killed persons could have been more armed themselves. This is reactionary thinking and the best way to say it is, "Hindsight is twenty-twenty." Anyone and everyone can play the "armchair quarterback" as I have heard it phrase - do not mind me, I know nothing of sports or why people obsess over them - but it is entirely accurate. This act of self defense should only be held to the standard of objective reasonableness, meaning that in the eyes of the shooter, was the shooting justified at the time. In the case of law, this is very justified; use of deadly force is authorized for homeowners in this state, plain as day. Is it unfortunate people died? Of course, but these "boys", one of whom was a man, two of whom were about to be, made their choices. They chose poorly in life and more than anything I am thankful that the owners of the home were not raped, assaulted or murdered. I would not have chosen differently if it were me in place of the defender.