[center][h2]Ravenholm[/h2][/center] [center][img]https://i.imgur.com/6KaksVU.jpg[/img][/center] [b]Population [/b]- 100 000. [b]Running Sector[/b] - The Church. [b]Wealth[/b] - High. [b]Geographical Location[/b] - Mountainside. [b]Architecture [/b]- Rural. [b]Means Of Protection[/b] - High walls, heavy weaponry and mountainsides. [b]Weapon Laws[/b] - Military, police and the clergy are allowed to wield weapons within city borders. Anyone else will be apprehended on sight. [b]Mutant Punishment[/b] - Anyone found to be a mutant, will be executed. [b]Illegal Behavior[/b] - Displaying illegal behavior, such as littering, a lack of respect towards the church, or acts of sexual infidelity will lead to a prison sentence. [center][img]http://www.i2clipart.com/cliparts/5/7/2/2/clipart-small-floral-divider-5722.png[/img][/center]