[hr][hr][center][b][u][h3]Azerus[/h3][/u][/b][/center] [hr] It was finally here. The day Azerus had long since been waiting for with both equal parts excited anticipation and anxious fear. His whole life was about to change and irregardless of the hardships ahead, it still had to be for the better than the ones passed. Even though these were more his type of people Azerus still did his best to appear normal and blend in, more so out of habit then anything else. While he could change his form to many things he could never truly appear or pass as a pure human. There was always some form of heavy evidence to identify his true heritage. As he walked with the group, silently amongst the shadows in the back, a heavy coat and an innocently placed backpack concealing his features and shoulder spikes, he curiously eyed every monstrous feature he could find amongst the other students. He kept his head low during the trip but paused and looked up to momentarily admire the words scrawled into the gate. [indent]'[i]For the sake of progress.[/i]'[/indent] "Who's progress and to what ends?" He said softly to himself. Azerus was not beyond admiring the beauty of the impressive flower array that lay on the other side as he waited impatiently for the ceremony to begin.