[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/saGm5xq.png[/img] [img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/211956364010979328/358494681383960576/image.png?width=493&height=182[/img][/center] Mamoru wasn’t surprised that Mako made it clear that they’d have to be able to take on villains on their own. She knew this, but she also knew her weaknesses and limits. As much as she likes to play the part of the unstoppable warrior, she knows all too well how easy it would be for most enemies to defeat her. So Mamoru not only wanted to get stronger herself, but also have allies to back her up when Mamoru’s best isn’t enough. That’s why she’s been friendly and even willfully ignorant of how some people might think of her, hoping that if she just keeps trying, they’ll get along eventually. [color=pink]”Hai, Akane-sensei.”[/color] After giving everyone a comment Mako promised that everyone would have a vastly different viewpoint by the end of twelve weeks. Then she asked if anyone could land a hit on Mako. [color=pink]”Eh?”[/color] That was a strange question. Was she being rhetorical? Was this another quiz? Mamoru [i]thinks[/i] she could hit Mako, whether or not she can or she should is another matter entirely. For a moment Mamoru’s brain short circuited, and wasn’t really back online until she felt something pick her up. [color=pink]Eh!? What are you-”[/color] Then tossed her out of the window. Mamoru didn’t really think about what she needed to do next since she had about two seconds before splatting on the ground. She materialized her shield and threw it to the ground, right on top of her landing spot. She hit the shield however her Aegis’s powers stopped her momentum dead in it’s track, and not even with a moment of whiplash. Mamoru simply dropped a few inches onto the ground with a huff. [color=pink]”What the hell was that all about?”[/color] Shortly after Mamoru was launched so was Jett, though he quickly climbed back up to the window. He looked like a monkey when he did so. [color=pink]”Right. This must be another test! Now how to get back up to class?”[/color] Mamoru could walk, though that’ll take her some time and she might be late by the time she arrives. She could try to climb up like Jett, but while Mamoru was confident in her abilities she’d have a bit of a harder time trying to get a hand-hold. But then Mamoru remembered one thing: She was in villain studies. Surely this was another test by Mako to see how well the students could apply a “Villains” mentality to problem solving. The ideal option was for Mamoru to run back up stairs or even acrobatics up to the classroom like Jett, however one would take too long and the other wasn’t something she could do well. But Mamoru is skilled at using her shield. Running up to the wall as fast as she could Mamoru ran up as far as she could go until she felt like she was about to fall. But before she did she reached out and manifested her shield into her hand, right next to the wall. Just like before with the car brake Mamoru’s shield would materialized fully, even if it has to break anything that would stop it. Including the wall. Once her shield was lodged into the wayy Mamoru used it to get up to the next level, jumping and smashing her shield into the wall again until she could reach the classroom window. She would have gone in the same way she gotten out, but Jett was at the other window. [color=pink]”Knock knock!”[/color] Mamoru said as she knocked on the window with her hand. If no one opened it for her, it looked like Mamoru was about to open it herself. [hr] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/X6y1z1z.png[/img] [img]https://media.discordapp.net/attachments/211956364010979328/358493964854231041/image.png?width=335&height=88[/img][/center] After the embarrassment of introducing himself Donny listened to the others. While he knew most of them and their quirks thanks to the team fight this way he could get a better understanding at what they did. After Donny was Mina, who he was already familiar with. As was Acion who came right after, though Donny noticed that Acion was speaking weirdly. Or differently. Donny just shrugged it off as Acion being quirky again. Next was a purple-haired girl who didn’t really introduce herself, but her powers were electrical related. Donny already felt nervous about her since she seemed to be a rough time, and electrical attacks can hurt Donny. Not as bad as fire or ice, but most than just punching and stabbing. Next was Fumika, who was definitely a weirdo. The way she talked and acted made Donny really unsure what was going on in her head. He could sense the loneliness, but he wondered if there was something more or even worse going on inside his head. He wasn’t sure if that was something he could deal with. Next was Hakura, Donny’s cooking partner. Turned out she was a technomancer or something. She could make power armor and robots, which Donny thought was pretty cool. He wished he knew how to make robots. He also noted that Hakura sounded just as nervous as Donny did, but instead of stuttering the entire time she just kept rambling. It was kind of… Cute. Lastly was the girl that Donny never met, Medae Hitomi. She was a second year meaning that she was pretty much everyone’s upperclassman. She seemed pretty nice though. She was from the support class too, so Donny didn’t have to worry about running into her with the A2 gang. Her quirk gave her the power of a goat and sheep, which wasn’t really that impressive. But who knows, maybe there’s more to her then meets the eye. Goats can be pretty badass. White Hat continued on the class and mentioned how most everyone only offered combative applications to their quirks, while a few actually thought of how to use their quirks outside of combat. Donny already had a few ideas how to use his quirk aside from fighting, but he was just too embarrassed to say he wants to be everyone’s dump truck. White Hat then showed a disaster area on a projector and wanted the students to write down how they’d handle repairing and taking care of the stuff there. The disaster was already gone, but there were still people that needed saving, as well as a few trouble makers that could be handled. When Donny received his pen and paper he immediately started writing things down. Though he didn’t mention it he kept in mind that if he was in his “hero” form, he’ll probably scare people. He’ll take advantage of that to scare off the civilians and looters though. If he just shows up and makes some threatening noises they’ll leave the area so they don’t steal anything or get themselves caught into danger. Next was the practical application stuff. Because he was writing it down instead of saying it out loud Donny had no problems writing that he would eat the raw sewage that flooded the street. It wouldn’t make him sick and it would give him something to eat all day. Who knows, maybe people would even thank him. [color=firebrick][i]”I hope he doesn’t read these out loud.”[/i][/color] [hr] [center][h3]Other[/h3][/center] White Hat listened to everyone introduce themselves and speak about their powers, noting that Joann did not actually introduce herself. He also noticed that many of the students seemed to only think about their quirks in relation to heroics or emergency, with only two who actually had an idea of how to use their quirk otherwise. But that was to be expected; he was certain that many students here also had limits on their quirks that makes them unable to utilize it regularly, which often builds the mentality that they can only use their quirks during such drastic moments. This class would teach them how to use their powers under far less duress however. [b]”Wonderful, just wonderful. I’m happy to see so many of you who knows the strengths and limits of your powers. But your quirks, much like knowledge itself, can always be expanded and improved. I can’t help but notice that only a few of you actually had an idea what your quirks could be used for outside of a combat or emergency situation. As they say, practice makes perfect. And if all your practice is how to fight with your quirk, you’ll be useless in any other situation.”[/b] The projector changed again to a set of questions with some images up next to them. It showed a rather rundown looking area, as if there had been an earthquake or a huge fight between powerful quirk users. [b]”After catastrophes it is not only a hero's duty to save lives and minimize the damage, but also assist in the repairs afterwards. While professionals and other heroes more suited to reconstruction are always sought, they are also in high demand and short supply. To that end, other heroes with quirks or abilities not considered "suitable" may be called in to assist in any manner they can. This can be as simple as just lending a helping hand, or utilizing their quirks in an unconventional fashion.”[/b] After White Hat finished speaking there was some information underneath the disaster area, giving some information about the location. [quote=Disaster Area] Civilians have been evacuated, however there are still unreported civilians who may have no escaped or casualties hidden in the rubble. Water and power to the entire area is gone, forcing workers to rely on water trucks and portable generators. The train tunnels underneath the area is also without power, partially collapsed, and there is a gas leak due to the damage sustained. Damaged sewage pipes flood the streets with waste and other toxic waters. Many buildings that are still standing are nearly about to collapse. There have been reports of civilians entering restricted area to find lost friends, family, and possessions, as well as those taking advantage of the situation to loot and steal. A shelter has been established nearby for civilians who have lost their homes as well as the injured. It is crowded and supplies are in high demand. [/quote] Once each message has been displayed White Hat gave everyone a moment to mull on it before he spoke again. [b]”Professionals are hard at work to do everything in their power to restore this damaged community. But as heroes you too have been called in, and must use your powers and abilities to assist in repairs and safety.”[/b] White Hat then started handing out papers for everyone to write on, even a pen for those who didn’t have one or just wanted to get a new one. They were black pens with a white fedora hat near the end. [b]”Write your answers about what you can do or would like to try and do. Be creative, but also be realistic. Also in this situation, assume that each of your in this same area.”[/b] White Hat wanted to mention this to see how many students would try and utilize each other and how many would try to fix everything themselves. He could already imagine many who would try and save the city themselves. [@Conscripts][@Silver Carrot][@Feyblue][@Eggs][@Noxx]