[i][color=662d91][b]Lorelei Jones - Jones Residence[/b][/color][/i] "Hey. I uh...I'm getting a little stiff sitting around town like this. Heard from a buddy of mine that came through earlier that there's someplace called 'Lexington' nearby that might have some good stuff to pick through. You seem like an action kinda girl and I could use a second with me. I know that might sound a little much to ask, but if you're interested, I'll be heading out tomorrow morning with Bessie. Sleep on it, you feel like partnering up, I live down on the waterfront.” Lorelei shook her head vigorously in an attempt to stay awake. “Lexington? Hmm. I’ve been there. It’s a spectacular cluster of the old world, if I can say so, myself. You won’t want to take the main roads…it’s a sure way to attract unwanted attention. I’ve travelled these parts extensively – I can help you navigate your way through the woods. It’s faster and infinitely more scenic.” Lorelei folded her arms and narrowed her eyes. “I accept. Don’t leave without me.” She gave a light smile and departed to her house. Upon making a beeline for her room, she finished the two bottles left on her end table and set aside some supplies – water, canned food, bullets, and a few stimpaks before undressing and slipping under the covers. [i]Finally[/i]. She was finally going to be able to get off her ass and [i]do[/i] something.