[color=008000][h1]Dao[/h1][/color] Location: Lower-ring at the wall to the middle-ring Interacting with: Nilak [@McHaggis], Fumiko [@Elle Santiago] Dao smirked [color=008000]“That will work. I'll just break every bone in his body except his jaw”[/color] The young Dai Li agent loved to fight, especially when a crowd was around. If it wasn't for his noble background he might have pursued a career as a professional bending athlete. However the lack of rules in the real world pumped up his adrenaline even higher. There was nothing more exciting then putting your own life on the line. To walk that razor thin path between life and death was addicting. More addicting then the cheers of a crowd in the bending arena. Dao knew that the crowd today would not cheer. They would be silent and obedient. Trying not to make any trouble and become a target for the Dai Li as well. After-all, the Dai Li are the most feared organization in Ba Sing Se. Jian just nodded. He knew there was little he could do about his young companion. All barely adult men have this urge to prove themselves, to show the world that they got the stuff. Dai Li agents where no different. Dao however might be a bit more extreme on the wanting to prove himself scale then others. The senior agent continued to watch the fight from the sidelines. If there was a need to intervene he would do it. On who's be-halve it would be was unclear at this point. Dao was eager to crush his opponent. The young agent could not let the lucky hit slip. Be he had more on his mind then just getting payback on this dissident. The reason he could get his lucky shot in after-all was because those stupid peasants distracted him in the fist place. It was their fault that he looked like a fool in front of a crowd. That was something he could not let them get away with. With a quick glance of his eyes he noticed that that the nerd girl and watertribe peasant where cornered with their backs against the wall. They where definitely eager to get away from this fight but had nowhere to run. Dao quickly hatched a plan. He would get his revenge on all three with just one shot. That would definitely be a display of his greatness. All he needed was the right opportunity. The young agent needed to set his opponent up for the right move. Dao watched his opponent as he blocked and dodged the rocks that where hurled at him. Sometimes with little effort and sometimes with a bit more. For the uneducated this fight might look pretty even but the truth was that the young Dai Li agent had little trouble dealing with the attacks that where thrown against him. All Dao had to do was wait for the right moment to strike. There it was! The dissident had positioned himself between Dao and both peasants at the wall. As he was about to make his move, Dao quickly launched his first rock glove at his opponents left wrist. With a loud bang, the tattooed earth-bender slammed into the wall between both peasants with his left wrist locked on the wall. With a quick move the young Dai Li agent send his second rock glove flying. It quickly made contact with the dissidents right wrist, tying the young man even tighter to the wall. Within a split second, Dao bended the earth around his opponents feet, rendering the man completely unable to to move. People in the crowd already started to consider this was the end of the fight, however for Dao it was just the beginning of his revenge. The young agent widened his stance and lowered his arms. As he slowly lifted his arms little streams of sweat started to run down his face. Slowly Dao raised a very large boulder from the ground. With a powerful kick, the young agent send the projectile towards the three persons locked at the wall.