[center][h2][color=chocolate]Connor Bayer[/color] | Trost[/h2][/center] Connor knew that he would never be the same after this day. This attack had shown him why he'd chosen to become a soldier. As he saw the events unfold around him, saw his teammates flattened, torn in half or, eaten alive, he knew that his job was to stop this from ever happening again. That's why there were hundreds of soldiers in Trost, fighting for the lives of the people that tried to flee. That's why his squadmates had willingly died to protect those who couldn't protect themselves. Being the closest squad to HQ, Connor may have been the only person in Trost that knew help wasn't coming. The HQ was surrounding by Titans, leaving the refill teams trapped and useless. The soldiers in the city were waiting for someone that wouldn't be coming, not unless they could rally and clear HQ. He was alone on a roof, several streets away from HQ. There were no titans around him, so he'd allowed himself to rest. He had to catch up with the flank teams and tell them the situation. Decidedly, he rose from his crouched position. He shifted himself to fix his harness, then stepped towards the edge of the roof. He pushed off with his back foot and sprinted towards the edge, leaping off and shooting his hooks into another building, propelling himself through the air. As he sailed towards another roof, he braced himself and rolled as he made impact with the tiles. His bloody swords in hand, he sprinted towards the edge of the roof, jumping across a street to save his gas. From his high point he spotted two soldiers in the distance, but he couldn't make their faces. One of them seemed injured, so he turned his course to see if he could help. As he prepared to jump from the roof, he was taken by surprise as the hand of a Titan collided with his right side, sending him through the air to crash against the adjacent roof. He cracked the roof tiles on impact, all the wind being knocked from his chest. The world seemed to spin around him as he stared up at the sky, black spots dancing across his vision. He managed to roll over on his side, eyes locking on the relatively small titan that trudged towards him. It raised its hand and looked as though it would swat Connor like a fly. In a moment of panic he squeezed the trigger on his handle and the gas sent him sliding across the roof. He swung his legs around as he gathered himself to prepare and fight back. As his body swiveled around, he fired his hooks, one into the Titan's hand as it smashed the roof, and the other into the adjacent building. He swung himself towards the Titan, propelling himself to the creature's left side, releasing his hooks and landing on the roof behind it. He jumped to the ground, using the titan's lethargic movements to his advantage. He shoot two more hooks into either leg, propelling himself forward. He slice creature's calf muscles before he was propelled between its legs. As the titan crashed to the ground, he sailed back to it, engaging the wire brakes and landing on its back. He made no hesitation before slicing both of his blades across the nape of the creature's neck. As the Titan fell limp, he jumped to the ground, his chest heaving from the amount of energy he'd just exerted. He heard the thundering footsteps of more titans and decided that it was not time to celebrate his victory, especially since it had been such a minor titan. He didn't want to test his luck again, so he shot himself onto the roof tops. Resuming his route to the lone pair of cadets. He ran toward the edge of the roof shooting his hooks into a higher building. He sailed into the air above the roofs, but his stomach lurched as he felt his gear go slack. He was out of gas. He swore as he plummeted to the roof below, landing with a hard crash on his side. He grit his teeth and clenched his jaw, repressing the cry of pain that threatened to release as he felt his shoulder shift from its socket. He rolled over to take the pressure off of his arm. He breathed through clenched teeth as stood too his feet. He allowed himself no time to second-guess his decision as he used his right arm, his good arm, to lift and pull his left arm up, hearing a loud pop as his shoulder relocated. He let his arms fall to his side, then bent down to pick up his blades. He sheathed the left blade, but kept his right sword handy. He saw the cadets he'd spotted earlier, on the next roof below him. He recognized Mora and Lauren, the latter of whom appeared to have sustained injuries. He jumped down to the roof and immediately spotted the flairs on Lauren's belt. [color=chocolate]"Mora, Lauren! Good to see y'all alive."[/color] He ran to them and knelt beside the two girls. [color=chocolate]"How bad is it? HQ is completely surrounded, Refill isn't coming anytime soon.[/color] He pointed to the flair rounds, saying, [color=chocolate]"We need to everyone to retreat. I'm out of gas and can't get the message everyone.[/color] [@Jinxer][@HecateProxy]