[@FlitterFaux][@Kaithas] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/vZDAbLL.png[/img][/center] [h3][color=1a7b30][center]Armory[/center][/color][/h3] Emerald almost didn't hear Amy's words, much less Anna's. Her heart was beating so fast she felt the force would knock her over. Thankfully Amy didn't snap at her like she'd feared, but it was obvious this had been the wrong time to approach Amy. She could see it in her eyes... ...and it probably didn't help that they were in the middle of class. Emerald just nodded meekly in response to Amy, and Anna's suggestion as well. She'd agree to anything to get out of her current predicament. All she had to do now was run away and hide under a bed somewhere for a few hours... [color=1a7b30]"O-Ok..."[/color] Emerald suddenly had great empathy for people who were shy. [h3][color=92278f][center]Violet Steel - Grimm Studies - [/center][/color][/h3] [@NarayanK] This wasn't going the way she wanted. [color=92278f][i]This creature is proving to be far more troublesome than I thought...[/i][/color] Not that she expected it to be easy, but perhaps she had underestimated the overgrown plant. [color=92278f][i]There's too many, I'm doing all I can keep them off me...[/i][/color] She needed to change tactics, as she dodged and struck at the roots she came up with a plan. It was a crude one, but it was all she had. She reattached her two blades into one once more, holding her weapon in one hand as she leaped away from the roots, she quickly drew an arrow from her quiver, the arrowhead looked rather odd though, it wasn't pointy or sharp like normal. She quickly threw it towards the roots, it went past them and struck the ground. Immediately there was a hissing sound as smoke poured out of the arrow and began to fill that part of the room. Violet was unsure how the roots could 'see' her, but she was betting on the fact that the smoke would mask her location from the monster. Thanks to her semblance, Violet could sense the exact location of any of her 'marked' targets, it didn't matter if she could physically see them or not. She quickly reattached the bowstring to her weapon and drew another special arrow. It looked a lot like one of her fire arrows, except the arrowhead looked a lot bulkier. She fired it without hesitation towards the biggest 'head' of the monster, hoping that this time it wouldn't see it coming. The moment that arrow struck something, there would be a fairly decent explosion.