[img]https://dncache-mauganscorp.netdna-ssl.com/thumbseg/609/609703-bigthumbnail.jpg[/img] (picture of male protagonist) Me: Hi, my name is Hirohito Yakimoto. My aquaintances call me Hiro-kun, though if you're reading Funimation's English or French translations of this, they'll have even casual acquaintances refer to me as Yakimo, despite Japanese custom. I'm sixteen in the original Japanese version, but the American version will make everyone 3 years older to get the show past the censorers. This is my childhood friend I've know since birth, though I won't realize until this show how attractive she is or how much she likes me. [img]https://i.ytimg.com/vi/bSTMZ6aotpk/maxresdefault.jpg[/img] (Picture of 1.5 meter girl with ridiculously large boobs) Friend-chan: Hi. *bow* My name is Hoshi Sugara, though I normally wouldn't introduce myself since I'm a shy introvert who is embarrassed by the size of her boobs. I'll serve as the main love interest for Hiro-kun and, despite Japanese custom and the logic of me being introverted, will be referred to as Sugara-chan by everyone under 18. Hiro: Despite the fact that people from all over Earth live in our colony, and the fact that computers could be used to educate people at a fraction of the cost, we go to a typical Japanese high school (college in the American version). I should also tell you that we live in the asteroid belt on the asteroid Ceres, though I'm not sure why that matters in this kind of anime. Sugara: Because you aren't a pervert, so the shows creators needed a contrived yet somewhat original way for you to see girls in their underwear or boobs. They chose to do that by the colony and all spaceships only having one locker room which the girls and boys have to share. That means that you can walk in on me when I take a late shower or have to change clothes at an inopportune time. Also, you have to get naked to put on a space suit, apparently. Hiro: Right. Also, they'll be other girls too, and guys. And the school will send us out on a Space ship, putting us in dangerous situations. [hr] In case you didn't realize it, this is low casual and is meant to make fun of tv tropes, especially in anime. [hider=We need a character sheet] (insert picture here) Name: (Assuming your character will be around long enough to need one) Nickname(s): (which they may or may not like) Age/grade: (We'll stick with the Japanese version, so there are three years of high school) Personality: (Even cardboard characters need at least one personality trait) Skills: (what are you good at, including school subjects) Powers: (Ok, we need to draw in at least a few Shonen fans to stay on for more that a season, so people can have implants which give them tech-explainable powers.) Special belongings: (They'll bring these with them when a bunch of highschool students head out with a single teacher on a two week field trip to Mars) Backstory: (in case your need it. Or it can be mysterious, at which point teachers will vaguely refer to it through gasps and whispers, maybe a word or two.) [/hider] [hider=Hirohito Yakimoto] [img]https://dncache-mauganscorp.netdna-ssl.com/thumbseg/609/609703-bigthumbnail.jpg[/img] Name: Hirohito Yakimoto Nickname(s): Hiro, Hiro-kun, Yaki-kun, Yakimo (stupid Canadian dub team) Age/grade: 16/first Personality: nerd, obsessed with math, science, tech, and the idea of aliens Skills: Math, Science, Engineering Powers: Despite the fact that it wouldn't be unusual at all to have them, he doesn't because he "didn't want to draw attention". Special belongings: Handheld computer (Ok, it's an IPhone. We needed sponsors.) Backstory: His parents owned a major Interplanetary shipping company, but due to a vague scandal lost a lot of business. Now he lives on his own off of his trust fund, and tries to get people to think of him not as their son, but as himself. [/hider] [hider=Hoshi Sugara] [img]https://i.ytimg.com/vi/bSTMZ6aotpk/maxresdefault.jpg[/img] (am I the only one that realized that her boobs are almost bigger than Hiro's photo?) Name: Hoshi Sugara Nickname(s): Sugara-chan Age/grade: 16/first Personality: Shy, introverted. Likes Hiro but won't tell him until the other girls make her jealous enough. Only open to people that she considers friends, which mostly is just her Hiro-kun. Skills: She's a good Artist and musician, and pretty good at home economics/cooking. Might discover that she's good with sensors through "the music of the planets" or some such. Powers: She can heal people. Essentially has a star-trek dermal regenerator hidden in her left hand, but we can't call it that. Special belongings: hairbows and lucky thong (which surely no one will find out about, right?) Backstory: Her father was a ship captain that worked for Hiro's father. Stuck around despite failing business, etc. Lived near Hiro all her life. [/hider]