The fate of Brannor's final shot would never be known to the adventurers, for both it and the man it had been shot after quickly vanished into the lengthy plantlife of the plains. Now that the fight was over, it was surprisingly tranquil here. Few sounds by small wildlife, some crackling from the already dying fire and no other signs of the cult than the pile of weapons the man of the wilds set out to inspect. To his dismay, there did not seem to be anything important among the steel. Two scimitars and an equal amount of shortswords, all surprisingly well kept as well as a single shortbow and a quiver with seventeen arrows remaining. They would next turn their attention to the one briefly captured man, noting that he had been wearing simple leather armour with merely a few pieces of cloth tugged into some pockets, all of it ragged, none bloodied. Few carried a smell of oil. Past that there laid a couple of pouches next to his current position, right where the people had been sitting earlier. The contents of these pouches equalled, totalled together, twenty-eight coins of silver. Orchid's interest had been on the bird they had been roasting, and unfortunately for him the hirelings of the cult had not been the greatest of chefs out there: While some of the surface flesh was charred, a fair deal of it was also undercooked. These people were not used to cooking fowl, it seemed. Yet the question of the green barely clothed man could not have been more on point: What would they be up to now? [hider=Mechanics&Rolls] Any loot found has been detailed in the post. Feel free to divide it among yourselves how you best see fit. The weapons appear to be cheaply made: Effective in a fight for certain, but any resale value may not be worth the trouble of lugging them. A course of action should be chosen ASAP. Game will advance from this camp on Wednesday the 27th, if not earlier. [/hider] [@Lucius Cypher][@The Harbinger of Ferocity][@Norschtalen][@Gordian Nought][@Ryonara]