[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/DmjRHYr.png?1[/img] [color=548b54][h3]Dulga Tarata[/h3][/color][/center] Mako met Dulga's challenge, though the six-armed giant was well aware that Mako may have already seen through her intentions. But Dulga would just have to take advantage of every little thing she can, from the surroundings to what other students too. And most importantly how Mako would react to Dulga. Maybe even some real nasty plots if she wants a chance to land a hit on Mako. Dulga continued to stare down her teacher as their glares meeting one another. Mako seemed eager to play but Dulga's eyes were plain and stoic. To her there was no joy or excitement for what she's about to do. Unlike some others, Dulga radiated no "killing intent". She simply acts like an unfeeling machine. When Yukari threw Mamoru at Mako, that was when Dulga acted. First thing she did was grab a handful of chalk from the front of the class with her rear hands. As she hide them inside her cloak Dulga crushed them into a fine powder but didn't use them just yet. Dulga took a step towards Mako's, grabbing the coffee, thermos, and a few of the papers some of the other students had written. Dulga never took her eyes off Mako as she used her multiple hands to not only drink the teacher's coffee, but also flip through some of the papers that the other students had written about how they'd react in Mako's questions. She just glanced through the papers from the corner of her eyes, walking back towards the student desks. When she spotted the one she wanted Dulga stopped and took a big sip from Mako's coffee. Dulga held a paper out for everyone to see, at least anyone close enough to read it. But especially close enough for Mako to recognize it. It was Kaida's paper. Hearing that Kaida for some reason wanted to keep her paper a secret, a secret that Mako obliged, Dulga was going to recite some of it in order to goad Mako into coming after Dulga. Unlike the others Dulga wasn't trying to play defensive, but to make Mako "react" to Dulga's actions. Heroes who just wait for trouble to happen will be too late to stop it. By taking the first strike, Dulga can set up the situation however she wants. As Dulga read off Kaida's paper, she made a note of where Kaida was sitting at in case she reacts. [color=548b54]"Kaida Baeumont. Scenario 1. 'I would try to reason reason with the man. Explain that if he harms the woman it would only get worse. Slowly working my way towards them. Explain more that he puts the weapon down and walks away I would put in a good word with the judge. Also offer to be his hostage.'"[/color] Said in an entirely stony demeanor. Dulga just kept a gaze upon Mako to see her reaction. Dulga also drank the rest of Mako's hot coffee and was surprised when she tasted the cold coffee in Mako's thermos. [color=548b54]"You have poor taste sensei."[/color] [@Heartfillia][@Silver Carrot]