[hider=Jake Dawson][color=Lavender][center]Appearance:[img]https://images.moviepilot.com/image/upload/c_fill,h_470,q_auto:good,w_620/nwp94obaeq0g4zfevuiq.jpg[/img][/center][/color] [color=Lavender][b]Name: Jake Dawson[/b] [b]Age:[/b] 30 [b]Gender:[/b] Male [b]Race:[/b] Human [b]Personality:[/b] Jake is obsessed with justice and vengeance and often uses lethal methods to eliminate crime. He is tortured over the loss of his wife and children and takes out his anger on criminals and anyone who he deems guilty. He is incredibly serious and a no-nonsense kind of guy. He is racist towards Non-Humans as he blames them for the loss of his family. He won't stop at anything to get the revenge he craves. [b]Bio:[/b] Born to a whore and a Scotsman, dropped in the middle of a forgotten spot in Scotland. He grew up to be a soldier and a husband. He had been placed in a orphanage which gave Jake a hard knock life as the Orphanage, considering the nun who ran it was constantly drunk. Jake hated his life, he wanted to get out of the Orphanage as soon as possible so he joined the Scottish Military as soon as he was old enough, Where Jake had done a lot of tours in the middle east. After years of fighting in harsh desert's and ruined cities, He had met a girl back in scotland named Clare. He fell in love with her and quit his job in the military so he could start a family with her. Then when Belwyn was created, Clare became obsessed with the new species, she wanted to live beside them, So she and Jake decided to sell there house and rent a apartment in Belwyn. This was a bad idea. Jake ended up joining the police while Clare became a doctor. Then the Steel Lance had attacked the hospital for refusing to pay a protection fee. The Steel Lance beat Clare to death and mounted her head on a steel pole, in order to make a example out of those who don't give in to their extortion. The police refused to do anything as they were bribed by the Steel Lance, So Jake quit and vowed to avenge his wife. [b]Gang affiliation or Other affiliations:[/b] Jake's only friend is himself. (None) [b]Stuff:[/b] A High-Powered Automatic Rifle: Jake's primary tool of justice, he stole it from the corpse of a dead Dwarf Gangster and uses it as his primary way of enforcing the law Two Revolvers: When Jake's Rifle is nowhere to be seen, Jake uses this instead Motorcycle: Jake has to drive around somehow. Bullet-proof Vest: Bullets hurt and Jake can't afford his medical bills. Combat Knife: tucked into the front of his right shoe, this is used when Jake's Revolver's are nowhere to be seen. It comes out of his shoe whenever he kicks someone, which causes the surprise of many gangster's who think he's disarmed. [b]Magic:[/b] [hider=Long list of magical skills][img]http://i0.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/754/538/454.jpg[/img] You thought there was magic in here!, But it was Me!. Dio! Jake doesn't know magic.[/hider] [b]Other:[/b] His favorite food is lasagna[/color][/hider]