[center][img]http://i.imgur.com/5nnNonC.png[/img][/center] [h2][center][color=CBD8D7]- FLOS - THE FLOWER OF DEATH -[/color][/center][/h2] [@Lmpkio] The shots launched themselves towards the angel, though he was prepared. Arm up, the shield too the vast majority of the damage, but the impact skidded him back a noticeable distance. The dust settled, giving Flos some time to look at his opponent. [color=CBD8D7][b]"Afraid to join your brethren on the field, [i]and[/i] hide behind your toys?"[/b][/color] the angel smirked. [color=CBD8D7][b]"So be it."[/b][/color] Shield dropped, two slash shockwaves, one after the other. Following them was the black-winged angel, sisters drawn and speeding towards his target.