[center] [img]http://i.imgur.com/0v8qR2T.gif[/img] [color=92278f][i][h3]Kaida Baeumont[/h3][/i][/color] [/center] [hr] Kaida was so shocked at what all had happened in such a short period of time Dulga, such a sweetheart towards her and helping her out was suddenly throwing Mamoru out the window for no reason. Then Jett lifted her up and slammed her against the wall, which was impressive as he was closer to her height. But was handled much more roughly by Dulga after wards, enough for her to stand up and was about to do something but she threw him out the window as well. She froze. What did she get herself into?? She watched as Dulga then ignored Mako, moving to her desk drinking her coffee and picking up their papers. She then started to read them as Mamoru was flying towards Mako and Yashiro was attacking her. But she felt a chill down her spine as she heard what she read. Why was she reading hers!?!? She was going to read down the list and reveal her quirk! She shoved her desk to the side and sprinted towards Dulga, diving into her to get the paper from her hands. [color=92278f] NO! PLEASE! [/color] she yelled as she was in the air.