Quinn noticed Tobias struggling to keep up and slowed down a bit, glancing over at him when he asked about Victor. [color=CDB5CD]"Of sorts,"[/color] she replied, [color=CDB5CD]"He's been away for a while though."[/color] She didn't want to say anything about her affiliation to House, she was under strict orders not to. Mr. House had carefully cultivated a reputation of ominous, mysterious power. For all anyone else knew, Lucky 38 was completely empty save for House and his robots. She and her father were purely there for maintenance purposes, and came and went through secret channels. At his answer to her question, she shrugged, [color=CDB5CD]"I'm sure it'll come back. You're lucky to even have your life at this point. Although, I could show you where we dug you up, maybe that'll jog something?"[/color] she suggested, gesturing toward the water tower standing tall against the sky in the distance. She had never had to deal with memory loss herself, but she could imagine how frustrating that could be. Especially in a situation as dire as Toby's. She had shortened the courier's name in her head, but she wasn't sure how he would feel about a nickname, so she decided to keep it to herself. She paused once they had reached what could be classified as the center of town, turning to Toby. [color=CDB5CD]"I'm not exactly sure where to find Victor. Maybe we can stop in the bar and ask if anyone has seen him?"[/color] she suggested. After all, it was pretty hard to miss a giant robot, and it was possible that he had lived here for most of his absence from the Strip. She wasn't one for asking for help from anybody, usually, but she was also starving, having not eaten since early the day before and still rather drained from the events of the night previous.