As Azerus waited, like so many others, he scanned the crowd examining and judging his peers. Nearby some sort of reptilian hybrid with claws for fingernails was playing with what seemed to be a magical cylinder. It did little to hold his attention as small displays of magic and skill were subtly put on show and erupting all around him. Various students all attempting to show off and stand out. Nearby one such student even decided to display his prowess by manipulating a pack of cards he had brought. This even attracted the attention of another. Azerus sighed loudly and rolled his eyes, continuing on scanning the crowd. Firstly he sized up all these individuals, subconsciously deciding who would be a threat to his ego. Secondly he sought the strong looking hybrids or monsters, making a mental note of anyone looking like they might be a threat physically. These were not only his peers but also his competition. It was then in that thought that someone trying to get by bumped into him. Before he could even get a good look at the person his tongue lashed out like acid in his short temper. [indent][b][i]"Hey, watch where the hell you are going!"[/i][/b][/indent] He spoke louder than needed. His words heavy with spite. While his sudden reaction fuelled by nerves and surprise, came out more fierce than he had intended. Still Azerus didn't back down or shy away from his actions.