Elsa nodded and lead him down the street a few blocks until they came up a huge house that had water tribe designs on it and had guards out front. "Please just don't freak out once we enter." She said as the guard opened the gate and bowed towards Elsa once at the front doors some servants bowed. "Welcome back Princess Elsa." The said as one ran off to get her parents but her brother appeared first. "Well well well if its not me dear sister Elsa ran away from the body guards again and you brought home a street rat this time how disgusting." Her brother said and Elsa growled and bended the water out of the air and sent an ice spear at him while he bent it back into water. "Nice try sis." He siad as her parents walked out revealing her father was the chief of the Northern Water Tribe. "Cody this is my mom and dad they are the Chief and pretty much queen of the northern water tribe."