[center][hider=The Kind Punk] [color=48D1CC][B]Name:[/B][/color] [color=FF4500]Alma Albescu[/color] [color=48D1CC][B]Age:[/B][/color] Eighteen (18) [color=48D1CC][B]Physical Description:[/B][/color] [hider=][img]http://fc01.deviantart.net/fs40/f/2009/021/2/6/Punk_girl_by_Manjimaru.jpg[/img][/hider] [color=48D1CC][B]Important items[/B][/color]: -[color=FF4500][b]Crucifix Necklace[/b][/color]: Given to her by her Father on her sixteenth birthday. It has no special properties, aside from being hollow. Alma often hides various things within it. -[color=FF4500][b]Guitar[/b][/color]: ‘Sally’, she calls it. A beat-up Yamaha ‘Troy Van Leeuwen Signature’. Cherry red and a constant companion; often carried on her back...along with a small battery-powered amp. -[color=FF4500][b]Bike-Chain Bracelet[/b][/color]: Given to her by Henryk, it is a deeply cherished accessory that never leaves her side. It appears to be bronze, and somewhat heavy; but Alma refuses to take it off. [color=48D1CC][B]Short Bio[/B][/color]: Born into a family with deep connections to the Scorovese Mob, Alma lived a luxurious life, until the age of eight. In an attempted hit on her father, Ciriaco Albescu, their mother was caught by a stray bullet. Alma witnessed this, and had it forever scarred on her heart. Shortly after, she and her brother, along with their father were placed in a Witness Protection Program. They left their home behind, and settled into a quiet life. As quiet as could be for the rowdy Alma. She took up singing and playing guitar, during those years; attending school and doing her best to make a name for herself. Doing her best to perfect her passions. Now, she spends most of her time with her brother, Henryk; the person she feels closest to. [color=48D1CC][B]Spell List[/B][/color]: - [color=48D1CC][b]Change[/b][/color]: [color=FF4500][i]Stonearm Bramble Embrace[/i][/color] Whenever stone, or concrete, or any such material is available, Alma can coax out a set of twelve arms. These arms are thick, quick and covered in vicious barbs. The arms seek to embrace the intended victim, trying to constrict and tighten their grip. The arms can perform basic attacks, in unison or in an unpredictable erratic pattern; something they utilize to properly position their foe. While they do not have much reach, able to extend only seven or eight yards from the point where Alma casts the spell, they are considerably strong, and heavy. -[color=48D1CC][b]World[/b][/color]: [color=FF4500][i]A To B[/i][/color] Using gravitational force, Alma creates a specific sort of ‘umbilical cord’ between a person and an object. Depending on which is heavier, one is dragged or flung toward the other. Increasing the pull can cause disastrous effects, leading Alma to exercise caution...unless the situation becomes dire. When pressed, [i]A To Be[/i] can be used to create a gravity bubble inside a specific target; in an attempt to crush them from within. -[color=48D1CC][b]TimeSpace[/b][/color]: [color=FF4500][i]Turnabout[/i][/color] Reaching through the stitches of TimesSpace, Alma switches positions with a specified target. While it has practical application as an outright combat technique; it is more focused on strategy. Switching places with inanimate objects is possible, but it something Alma avoids unless necessary. -[color=48D1CC][b]High[/b][/color]: [color=FF4500][i]Gentle Blade[/i][/color] A hardlight construct brought forward by Alma. It appears as a large, curved blade levitating in the air. It is very quick, but surprisingly blunt; used to batter and interrupt foes. Given its near autonomous method of movement, despite that it can be directed by Alma, the Gentle Blade usually stays a fair distance ahead of her; seeking potential threats. If Alma is pressured, the Gentle Blade will attempt to intervene. The Gentle Blade can be detonated, if it has suffered sufficient damage; shattering into a spray of shrapnel covering a small circle around it. Once the Gentle Blade has been destroyed, Alma must wait three hours to re-conjure it. -[color=48D1CC][b]High[/b][/color]: [color=FF4500][i]Lambent Buckshot[/i][/color] Alma’s hands begin to glow, channeling the power of High Magic. Silver-white orbs, tiny and numerous, fly forth from her palms. While considerably dangerous, given the amount of projectiles, the spread of these orbs is unpredictable; they tend to harmlessly disperse if they do not hit a sufficiently squishy target. Those that are hit by a few of the pellets will suffer a concussive force (similar to rock salt being fired from a shotgun) intended to throw them off balance and cause a fair amount of pain. This is taxing for Alma, and a spell used rarely; given the time it takes to prepare and the uncanny drain it forces on her focus. Once used, there is a cooldown period of thirty minutes, but even then there are high risks involved. Usually Alma will use this in a situation where she is outnumbered. -[color=48D1CC][b]Change[/b][/color]: [color=FF4500][i]What Lies Beneath[/i][/color] When threatened, or pinned, Alma will use what she considers a ‘last resort’. She changes herself, much as she does with stone and concrete. Her flesh becomes sinister and poisonous, composed of segmented creatures that resemble grotesquely thick black-and-red centipedes. These growths are poisonous and can do nothing but bite those close enough. They rise from her, exposing the tender innards beneath. None of the centipedes can leave her body, attached as they are; but given their length, they can still pose a fair threat to those who get too close. If one of them is destroyed, or sufficiently damaged, Alma’s skin will return to normal; leaving her in a state of anguish. [/hider][/center]